"White money", therefore, shapes or reinforces inequalities and re-iterates racist and neo-colonial structures. Flinn Works, like all art professionals who work across the invisible borders of Global North and Global South are deeply entangled in this structure.

Flinn Works (co)produced two iterations. In 2021, the company invited six artists to create performances and installations, that were presented side by side at Sophiensæle.  In 2024 they embarked on a collective creation together with Afra Tafri Creations (Netherlands).


White Money (2021)

ADEREMI ADEGBITE invented and inaugurated the first Nigerian Cultural Institute of Yoruba Culture 'Tutuola Institute'. ANUJA GHOSALKAR reflected on the complicated ethics and harsh economic realities of working as an artist in India in her solo 'I promise the Bearer'. REHEMA CHACHAGE shreded a heap of rejected funding applications and transformed them manually into something radically new. ABHISHEK THAPAR took the audience on an intimate and speculative journey through their bank accounts, hearts and minds. AZADE SHAHMIRI’S lecture performance showed representations of the West in Iranian plays and posed questions from the past to the present. NORA AMINs solo 'My dance' shedded light on the history of so-called "belly dance"  wrestling the dance form from the exoticized and voyeuristic gaze and transforming it into the empowered expression of the dancer.


No More! White Money (2024)

Flinn Works invited three artists from its previous edition: ANUJA GHOSALKAR (India), ABHISHEK THAPAR (India/Netherlands), ADEREMI ADEGBITE (Nigeria) to share perspectives with three new artists: ADA MUKHINA (Russia/Germany), and SOPHIA STEPF & KONRADIN KUNZE from the host company Flinn Works (Germany). They were decidedly only a producer in part one, this time around participating as artists as well. The six artists decided on a collective performance  and focused on the (im)possibility to co-create from unequal grounds – unable to meet at eye level amidst differences in privileges, perspectives, hierarchies and power positions. They were  interested in what can emerge from collision and co-operation if they fully acknowledged their intersectional positionings: How can we approach working together? How can we make visible the obscured structures we are entangled in through our process? Considering varied artistic practices, how can this co-creation forge a newer understanding and creation of aesthetics?


The White Money series is funded by white money. This is a paradox, a blessing and a necessity. Paradox because white money is required to critique the mechanisms associated with it. A necessity because perhaps, only white money is available to finance a project of this nature.


White Money (2021)

CREATED BY Aderemi Adegbite, Nora Amin, Rehema Chachage, Anuja Ghosalkar, Konradin Kunze, Abhishek Thapar, Azade Shahmiri, Sophia Stepf PROJECT ASSISTANT Elisabeth Mascha LAB ASSISTANT Johanna Weisheit TECHNICAL DIRECTOR Timo Block PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT Drittmittel Produktionen VIDEO Shaheen Dill-Riaz, Konradin Kunze

A production by Flinn Works in co-production with SOPHIENSÆLE. Supported by Fonds Darstellende Künste with funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media and the Berlin Senate Department for Culture and Europe.

In cooperation with the Institute for Cultural Policy at the University of Hildesheim.

No More! White Money (2024)

CREATED BY Aderemi Adegbite, Anuja Ghosalkar, Konradin Kunze, Ada Mukhína, Sophia Stepf, Abhishek Thapar (Creation and Performance), Susana Alonso (Technical Direction Berlin), Esther Bernart (Technician Netherlands), Marit Buchmeier & Lisanne Grotz / xplus3 Produktionsbüro (Production Management Germany), Mathias Drücker (Energy Policy Consultant), Mara Noto (Public Relations Netherlands), Job Rietvelt (Creative Producer Netherlands), Shreyan Saraswat (Intern), Juliette Talakua (Production Management Netherlands), Maja Zagórska (Artistic Collaboration Berlin)

Funded by Berlin Senate Department for Culture and Social Cohesion, Fonds Darstellende Künste with funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media within the program NEUSTART KULTUR. Supported by the Performing Arts Fund NL. With kind support of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.

Co-production partners Sophiensæle Berlin, Grand Theatre Groningen, Nirdigantha, Oerol Festival, City Residency Arnhem

A production by Flinn Works and Afra Tafri Creations

In collaboration with Drama Queen, Tutùọlá Institute, Ada Mukhína